Created a Heritage walking map for the Historic Village in collaboration with the Parish Council installed on the Village Green
- October-
Submitted a Planning Application for a non-denominal war memorial in the heart of the village which was approved!
- October-
Helped promote local events through our poster wall by the Village Shop in the heart of the Village
- September-
Supported our local post office and village shop by giving the wall a much-needed lick of paint
- March -
Supported the PC with a procurement of a new Christmas tree on the Village Green for generations to come
- January -
Lobbied the PC to ensure Bucks Council contractors complete their agreed duties by siding out all the pavements in the parish
- January -
Working on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group as the Parish Council finalises its new plan
- April-
Formation of the Village Choir (post Christmas) for the spring and early summer months
- April-
Coronation Event in partnership with the Parish Council and The Bull Community Pub
- May-
Created an online Directory of all community groups, businesses and organisations in and surrounding our village
- June-
Held a Summer Concert in St Mary’s Church with the Village Choir to help raise funds for the Church
- June-
Lobbied the Parish Council to provide accessibility on the Village Green
- August-
Led the Christmas Eve Carol Concert in the village church with the new village choir to a packed church (standing room only)
- December -
Organised a Christmas singalong in the Bull Pub (originally on the Village Green, but moved to the pub due to freezing weather) over 100 people turned up despite the cold
- December -
Led a singalong in the Bell pub
- December -
Supported the PC to purchase
the amazing Christmas Lights
on our Village Green
- December -
Dressed the
Village Green for Christmas
- November -
Set up a new Village
Choir for Christmas
- November -
Led a village litter-pick before the festive period kicked off (& the snow arrived)
- November -
Organized and promoted lots of festive activities
- November -
Supported St Mary’s Church ‘Warm Welcome’ Initiative
- October -
Lobbied PC to prune & remove trees on village green
- October -
Lobbied PC to purchased a Fallen Soldier
(in lieu of a war memorial)
- September -
Organised the Proclamation of the King on the village green
- September -
Family Fun Day at The Bull Pub
- August -
Community Day at The Bell Pub
- July -
Queen’s Jubilee decorations in
the village
- June -
Dedicated noticeboard in centre of village
- May -
Christmas decorations on the village green