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Created a Heritage walking map for the Historic Village in collaboration with the Parish Council installed on the Village Green

- October-


Submitted a Planning Application for a non-denominal war memorial in the heart of the village which was approved!

- October-


Helped promote local events through our poster wall by the Village Shop in the heart of the Village

- September-

Supported our local post office and village shop by giving the wall a much-needed lick of paint with improved communication posters to keep everyone informed about what’s happening

Supported our local post office and village shop by giving the wall a much-needed lick of paint

- March -

Supported the PC with a procurement of a new Christmas tree on the Village Green for generations to come

Supported the PC with a procurement of a new Christmas tree on the Village Green for generations to come

- January -

Lobbied the PC to ensure Bucks Council contractors complete their agreed duties by siding out all the pavements in the parish

Lobbied the PC to ensure Bucks Council contractors complete their agreed duties by siding out all the pavements in the parish

- January -


Working on the Neighbourhood Plan Steering Group as the Parish Council  finalises its new plan

- April-

Formation of the Village Choir (post Christmas) for the spring and early summer months

- April-


Coronation Event in partnership with the Parish Council and The Bull Community Pub

- May-


Created an online Directory of all community groups, businesses and organisations in and surrounding our village

- June-

Held a Summer Concert in St Mary’s Church with the Village Choir to help raise funds for the Church

- June-


Lobbied the Parish Council to provide accessibility on the Village Green

- August-


Led the Christmas Eve Carol Concert in the village church with the new village choir to a packed church (standing room only)

Led the Christmas Eve Carol Concert in the village church with the new village choir to a packed church (standing room only)

- December -

Organised a Christmas singalong in the Bull Pub (originally on the Village Green, but moved to the pub due to freezing weather) over 100 people turned up despite the cold
Organised a Christmas singalong in the Bull Pub (originally on the Village Green, but moved to the pub due to freezing weather) over 100 people turned up despite the cold
Organised a Christmas singalong in the Bull Pub (originally on the Village Green, but moved to the pub due to freezing weather) over 100 people turned up despite the cold

Organised a Christmas singalong in the Bull Pub (originally on the Village Green, but moved to the pub due to freezing weather) over 100 people turned up despite the cold

- December -

Led a singalong in the Bell pub

Led a singalong in the Bell pub

- December -

Christmas lights.jpg

Supported the PC to purchase

the amazing Christmas Lights

on our Village Green

- December -

Dressed the Village Green for Christmas

Dressed the

Village Green for Christmas

- November -

Set up a new Village  Choir for Christmas

Set up a new Village

Choir for Christmas

- November -

Led a village litter-pick before the festive period kicked off (& the snow arrived)

Led a village litter-pick before the festive period kicked off (& the snow arrived)

- November -

Organized and promoted lots of festive activities

Organized and promoted lots of festive activities

- November -

Supported St Mary’s Church ‘Warm Welcome’ Initiative

Supported St Mary’s Church ‘Warm Welcome’ Initiative

- October -

Trees on the village green in Stoke Mandeville
Workers removing trees on the village green in Stoke Mandeville

Lobbied PC to prune & remove trees on village green

- October -

Fallen Soldier in Stoke Mandeville

Lobbied PC to purchased a Fallen Soldier

(in lieu of a war memorial)

- September -

Proclamation of The King in Stoke Mandeville

Organised the Proclamation of the King on the  village green

- September -

Family Fun Day at The Bull Pub
Family Fun Day at The Bull Pub
Family Fun Day at The Bull Pub

Family Fun Day at The Bull Pub

- August -

Community Day at The Bell Pub in Stoke Mandeville
Community Day at The Bell Pub in Stoke Mandeville

Community Day at The Bell Pub

- July -

Queens Jubilee Decorations in Stoke Mandeville

Queen’s Jubilee decorations in

the village

- June -

Notice board in centre of village

Dedicated noticeboard in centre of village

- May -


Stoke Mandeville Christmas Decorations 2021.png

Christmas decorations on the village green

What We've Done

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