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Our Top 20 Projects & Priorities for 2023


  1. Conservation Area

  2. Digital archive

  3. Heritage maps

  4. Blue plaques for buildings of importance

  5. Outdoor War Memorial
    (in a public space)


  1. Online directory and information

  2. Printed Magazine

  3. Seasonal newsletters and social media news updates

  4. Village Gates - new signage and flowers

  5. Update of existing signage


  1. Social activities – quiz, talks, exhibitions

  2. ‘Proud of our Village’ Campaign

  3. Seasonal decorations

  4. Collaboration with Church, School, clubs and interest groups

  5. One-off events eg: Coronation


  1. Traffic management

  2. Village Green improvements

  3. Accessibility – dropped kerbs, path improvements

  4. Neighbourhood Planning consultations

  5. Phone box library swap

What We're Doing

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